Based on data from Simply Wall St, we checked the ownership structure of 15 ICA member companies *. These 15 companies were established between 1873 and 1994, manage 660 B$ in assets, generate 504 B$pa in turnover and employ 504,000 people across all their business units (including but not limited to copper). Their combined copper production represents about 50% of global copper mining.
The result:
- Institutional & state ownership: 51%
- General public: 36%
- Employees: 1%
- Individual companies: 12%
As public companies, ICA members publish sustainability reports on average since 2006, leading to 240 sustainability reports cumulatively. Some member companies started sustainability reporting as early as 2001, building more than two decades of experience in this field.
* Companies checked April - May, 2022: Anglo American, Antofagasta, Aurubis, BHP, Boliden, Codelco, Freeport, Glencore, KGHM, Mitsubishi Materials, Rio Tinto, Southern Copper, Sumitomo Metal Mining, Teck Resources, Vale
** The shareholder structure of copper mining companies does not deviate significantly from the typical ownership structure of listed companies, cf table 3 of
Last update: October 28, 2022
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